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- BLOOD(TM) Shareware v 1.00
- You carved your soul to shreds in service of a forgotten, terrible god, but
- all your loyalty bought you were false promises and betrayal. You were among
- the Chosen, Tchernobog's most esteemed generals, dark angels who were to stand
- by his side and inherit the earth. But that was not to be.
- Cast down and once again a prisoner of mortal flesh, you must seek out the
- rest of the Chosen-Ishmael, Gabriel, and your beloved Ophelia. Only with your
- combined strength can you find your way back to the Hall of the Epiphany and
- face Tchernobog again. Only then will you understand why he has forsaken you.
- Your journey will not be an easy one, but one thing is certain.
- Blood will flow.
- o CPU: Pentium: 75MHz or better
- o Memory: 16MB RAM
- o Available Hard-Disk Space: 40MB
- o Distribution Media Drive: 4X CD-ROM drive
- o Audio System: 100% Sound Blaster Compatible
- o Video System: VGA 256-color
- o Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad, Advanced Input
- o DOS 6.2 or better
- CD-ROM DOS Installation
- 1. Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive (typically drive D:).
- 2. Switch to your CD-ROM drive by typing D: (or the appropriate drive letter
- designation) and press [ENTER]
- 3. Type INSTALL and press [ENTER] to start the installation program
- 4. Follow the on-screen prompts
- Once the game is installed, type SETUP from within your Blood directory to
- configure the game to your system. If you are unsure of the settings you
- should choose, consult your computer or sound card manual for assistance.
- If you know you have a sound card and speakers but are unsure of the brand,
- select SoundBlaster for both Music and Sound Card as it is the most common.
- 1. Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive (typically drive D:). Unless you
- have autorun disabled, the Blood Setup will start.
- If it doesn't, or if you have an earlier version of Windows 95,
- continue with the following steps:
- 2. Click on the My Computer icon on your desktop
- 3. Click on the icon for your CD-ROM drive
- 4. Double-click the INSTALL icon to start the installation program
- 5. Follow the on-screen prompts
- Once the game is installed, double click the SETUP icon in your Blood folder
- to configure the game to your system. If you are unsure of the settings you
- should choose, either consult your computer or sound card manual or right
- click your My Computer icon and select the Device Manager tab, which should
- list the necessary information. If you know you have a sound card and speakers
- but are unsure of the brand, select SoundBlaster for both Music and Sound Card
- as it is the most common.
- If you experience problems running Blood in Windows95, you will have to
- restart your computer in MS-DOS mode. Click on the Start button and select
- Shut Down. Select Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode? and click OK. When your
- computer restarts, follow the DOS installation instructions above.
- Windows 3.1 users must exit to DOS before installing Blood. Click File in the
- top left hand corner of your Program Manager window, select Exit Windows,
- and then click OK. Note that each time you play you'll have to exit Windows
- and then switch to the Blood directory (by typing CD\BLOOD and then pressing
- [ENTER]).
- When beginning a new game, you must select a skill level. Blood's skill levels
- affect more than the number of monsters or powerups you will find along the
- way -- the harder the level, the more damage monsters can take and dish out.
- Mouse Sensitivity
- Controls the responsiveness of the game to mouse movement. The higher the
- sensitivity, the faster you'll spin.
- Like mouse sensitivity, key turn speed affects responsiveness to movement
- controls. This option gives keyboarders a fighting chance against mouse
- players.
- Adjusts screen brightness. Note that higher gamma settings tend to reduce
- contrast and may also overbrighten areas that we've intentionally left dark.
- Changes the detail level. If you are experiencing choppy image quality, try
- reducing the detail level a notch or two.
- Adjusts the volume of ingame sound effects and ambient sounds.
- Adjusts the volume of background music.
- Toggles automatic aiming for weapons. We recommend that you leave this option
- enabled, as it helps you to hit airborne or crawling enemies.
- Toggles a crosshair for easier aiming.
- Enabling this option allows you to see which weapon your opponent is using in
- BloodBath. Weapons will appear above enemies' heads.
- Controls whether or not player's view tilts in the direction of slopes.
- Disable this option to keep your view directed at the horizon.
- Toggles horizontal "swaying" of player weapons.
- Toggles the vertical "bobbing" of player weapons. We recommend that you
- disable view bobbing if you experience nausea while playing Blood.
- Becoming comfortable with the movement controls is the key to success in
- Blood. These are the functions you should master if you hope to defeat
- Tchernobog. Our default controls are listed below, but you are free to
- customize your controllers to suit your playing style.
- Note that Blood supports keyboard, mouse, joystick, and GamePad(tm).
- Button 1 Fire the selected weapon's primary fire
- Button 2 Fire the selected weapon's alternate fire
- Button 3 Walk forward
- Double-click Button 1 Activate item or open door
- Direction Movement
- Button 1 Fire the selected weapon's primary fire
- Button 2 Strafe
- Button 3 Run
- Button 4 Activate item or open door
- Double-click Button 2 Use selected inventory item
- Double-click Button 3 Jump
- Double-click Button 4 Crouch
- Direction Movement
- Button 1 Fire the selected weapon's primary fire
- Button 2 Strafe
- Button 3 Run
- Button 4 Activate item or open door
- Double-click Button 2 Use selected inventory item
- Double-click Button 3 Jump
- Double-click Button 4 Crouch
- Arrows Movement
- Spacebar Use items or open doors
- Tab Toggle automap
- F Toggle map follow mode
- Shift Run
- Caps Lock Auto run
- Alt Strafe
- , Strafe left
- . Strafe right
- Ctrl Fire the selected weapon's primary fire
- X Fire the selected weapon's alternate fire
- A Jump
- Z Crouch
- PgUp Look up
- PgDown Look down
- Home Aim up
- End Aim down
- Backspace Turn around
- [ or ] Cycle through inventory items
- Enter Use selected inventory item
- C Use Beast Vision*
- B Use Crystal Ball*
- G Use Guns Akimbo*
- J Use Jump Boots*
- M Use Doctor's Bag*
- P Use Proximity Bomb*
- R Use Remote Detonator*
- * Assumes that you have this item in your inventory.
- Tchernobog's minions are as well armed as they are belligerent, so you will
- need to gather an arsenal of your own in order to defeat them. Each weapon
- has a primary fire and an alternate fire, and many can be powered up with the
- Guns Akimbo bonus.
- This handy tool can be very effective if you can get close enough to your foes
- to use it on them. It doesn't need ammo, so you'll always have it to fall back
- on if you need it.
- Ammo: None
- Fires burning projectiles that lodge easily in flesh and continue to burn for
- a short period of time. Unless you dive into water, you'll take damage until
- the flare burns itself out, by which time it may be too late. The alternative
- fire launches a starburst flare that douses a large area with flames. Can
- provide effective crowd control.
- Ammo: Flares
- A trusty companion if ever there was one. It doesn't have great range, but it
- packs a hell of a wallop up close. Can be fired either a barrel at a time or
- both at once for extra damage.
- Ammo: Shotgun shells
- The Tommy Gun is a favorite of the Cabal for its rapid rate of fire and
- impressive accuracy. On the down side, it chews up ammo quickly. The
- alternative mode is a strafing attack that covers a wider area with twice as
- many bullets, which is an effective way to clear out a room.
- Ammo: Bullet drums
- Light one up and chuck it at a group of zombies and you'll be rewarded with
- red rain and chunks of rotted flesh on the brim of your hat. The longer you
- hold down the fire button, the farther you'll throw the bundle. Watch the
- meter on the status bar to gauge the distance. The primary mode explodes on
- impact, while the alternative mode will burn all the way down before it
- explodes, making for some interesting traps.
- Ammo: Dynamite bundle
- Remotes work like dynamite bundles, except that you can detonate them at will.
- You can bounce them off walls or ceilings if you're afraid to peek around a
- corner. The alternative fire drops a remote at your feet, and you can hit the
- alt-fire key again to place additional remotes without detonating those you've
- already placed.
- Ammo: Remote detonator
- These are by far the nastiest explosives you'll come across. You can scatter
- them around and concern yourself with other matters. As soon as someone steps
- near one, you'll hear a far-off boom and accompanying shrieks of agony. Use
- the alt-fire to drop them at your feet. Also, remember where you've dropped
- proximities or you may fall prey to your own trap.
- Ammo: Proximity detonator
- This monstrous weapon launches a huge ball of flaming napalm at an extremely
- high velocity. If the initial explosion doesn't kill your enemy, the burning
- probably will. Best used with extreme caution, especially in tight areas. The
- alt-fire launches several napalm projectiles, covering a wider area but also
- chewing up a lot more ammo.
- Ammo: Gasoline cans
- The power of the voodoo doll is immense, but far subtler than that of a
- firearm. (The rest of this description to be determined pending finalization
- of the alt-fire attack.)
- Ammo: Voodoo doll
- Hairspray may not seem like the most daunting weapon, but apply it to a
- cigarette lighter and you've got an instant flamethrower (don't try this at
- home). While its range is rather limited, its effectiveness is quite
- impressive. You can also light one up like a Molotov cocktail and toss it into
- a group of adversaries. Hit alt-fire a second time after igniting a can to
- drop it at your feet -- it will explode once it burns down.
- This powerful prototype weapon packs a mighty load of amperage. Nikola Tesla
- would be proud,
- This artifact draws its power from the life energy of your foes. Run low on
- ammo and it saps your own strength!
- You will find various items in your journeys that will help you along your
- way. Some items will be added to your inventory -- you can use these as
- needed. Others will be activated the moment you pick them up and wear off
- after a short while, so make the best of them while you can.
- Boosts your health by 20 points, up to 100.
- Adds 100 points to your health, up to 200 total.
- Adds 100 Body armor, which is useful against physical damage such as bullets
- and explosions.
- Adds 100 fire resistant armor, which is useful against flares, flaming
- aerosol, and the residual effects of dynamite and napalm.
- Adds 100 spiritual armor, which will absorb voodoo and hellstaff damage.
- Adds 50 of each armor type.
- Adds 200 points of body, fire, and spirit armor.
- Provides temporary invulnerability to all attacks. Note that you are still
- susceptible to physics, which means a dynamite blast may hurl you off a cliff.
- Gives you double-fisted killing power with one-handed weapons, such as the
- shotgun, flare gun, and Tommy gun.
- In BloodBath, this powerup enables you to see your enemies regardless of
- where they are. Cycle through your foes by repeatedly hitting the hotkey or
- Enter. To deactivate the crystal ball and save it for later, scroll through
- all opponents and it will turn off.
- Makes your enemies stand out even in utter darkness. Very useful for spotting
- concealed guards.
- Will restore up to 100 points of health when activated. The unused medicine
- will remain in your inventory until used up. Keep this item handy!
- Enable you to jump much higher than normal. Useful for those hard to reach
- places or crossing chasms the easy way.
- Bullets bounce back at your attackers when you are protected by this powerup.
- Be careful, though, for you are still susceptible to fire and explosives.
- Puzzles are only part of the challenge ahead. Tchernobog's minions are
- everywhere, for they know the goal of your quest and will stop at nothing to
- stop you.
- While not the deadliest of creatures, these little fiends can be quite
- hazardous if they mob you, which is their preferred mode of attack.
- Bats have a nasty tendency of getting in your face when you're trying to get a
- bead on deadlier creatures. Take care of them quickly if you know what's good
- for you.
- Don't be fooled -- spiders are dangerous enemies. The little red ones pack a
- poison that will blur your vision. The larger green ones can blind you
- completely for a short time. The poison is cumulative, so the more they bite,
- the worse the side effects.
- These hardy undead menaces move more swiftly than you might expect. Take them
- out before they get close or you'll taste their rusty axe blades. Also, just
- because they're down doesn't mean they're dead -- make sure they're down for
- the count before you move on.
- Slower and more deliberate than their axe-wielding comrades, are much tougher
- to kill. You'll have to dish out a lot of abuse before they go down. Beware of
- the foul goo they vomit at you, for it is both corrosive and unpleasant
- smelling.
- Tchernobog's human soldiers are accurate and deadly. Whether they wield
- shotguns or Tommy guns, rest assured they'll give you a good fight. They may
- also lob dynamite at you from time to time, so listen for the telltale hiss
- and be ready to dive for cover.
- These Tommy Gun packin' keepers of the dark faith want to spill your precious
- life blood. Keep your ears tuned for the deadly sounds of dynamite as they
- sometimes offer explosives instead.
- Your first encounter with a gargoyle will teach you to keep an eye turned
- skyward. They are as tough to kill as they are vicious. They hurl sharp bones
- at you from afar or swoop in to rake at you with their talons.
- Stone gargoyles are nigh invulnerable. Bullets bounce off their brittle hides
- and flames find little purchase. You'll have to be resourceful to survive an
- encounter with one of these monstrosities.
- These fire-breathing mastiffs are swift and deadly. If they get close to you,
- their powerful jaws will make quick work of you, so keep your distance. . .
- if you can.
- Though somewhat timid, bone eels will dart at you the moment you turn your
- back. They make up in ferocity what they lack in fortitude.
- If you have to face a gill beast in the water, you're in big trouble. While
- slow and ponderous above water, in their element they are vicious adversaries.
- The corpses that the minions of Tchernobog use to make zombies aren't always
- in the best of shape. Sometimes, only a limb is salvageable. Usually, the
- Cabal's surgeons can fashion various bits and pieces into a serviceable undead
- soldier, but certain leftover parts can be effective all on their own. If one
- of these horrors gets hold of you, you've got to push it off before you can
- kill it.
- These restless phantoms harvest the souls of their victims with vicious
- scythes. Because they exist more in the land of the dead than the world of the
- living, they are only vulnerable when attacking. Watch for them to solidify
- before striking or your ammo and effort will be wasted.
- Cheogh rules over all gargoyles, but he has long yearned to hold higher rank
- in Tchernobog's army. His jealousy toward the Chosen was never secret.
- Now that you have been cast from Tchernobog's graces, envy has boiled into
- sheer abiding hatred. He will be anxious to meet you again and express his
- feelings for you.
- The spider demon Shial makes her lair deep within the earth in the frozen
- North. Surrounded by her arachnoid spawn, she skulks through darkness, feeding
- on those who hapless souls who stumble into her cavernous labyrinth or are
- brought there by her loyal children. Those who fall victim to her learn of
- true agony as she digests them alive.
- Named for the mythical guardian of the gates of the underworld, this two-headed
- firebreathing demon abides in a dark, sulphurous den, hidden to the world of
- mortals. Ferocious and nigh invulnerable, Cerberus is the deadliest adversary
- you will face aside from Tchernobog himself. Remember that you must destroy
- both heads in order to defeat him.
- His name is spoken only in whispers, for it is said that his interest is
- easily roused. Those who peer fully into his smoldering gaze are condemned to
- madness and death. You must find him before his powers become complete if you
- are to stand a chance. Even then, defeating him will require all your strength
- and ingenuity.
- To start a multiplayer game of Blood, run SETUP and select from the following
- options:
- 1. Choose "Network Game" and press [ENTER].
- 2. Select the number of players (1-8).
- 3. Leave the socket number at its default unless you experience difficulties,
- in which case you should ask your network administrator for assistance.
- 4. Enter a Player Name if you like.
- 5. Select "Launch Blood" and press [ENTER]. The game will begin once the game
- has found all the players. Press escape at any time to abort before the
- game launches.
- 1. Choose "Modem Game" and press [ENTER].
- 2. Select either "Wait for Call" or "Dial Your Opponent".
- 3. Select "Setup COM Port" and indicate your modem COM Port. Leave the other
- options at their defaults unless you experience difficulties.
- 4. Select "Setup Modem" and find your modem on the list. If you are unsure of
- the brand, consult your computer documentation. Use the default
- initialization, hangup, and dialout strings unless you experience
- difficulties.
- 5. Enter a Player Name if you like.
- 6. If you are dialing your opponent, select "Phone Number List" and enter
- phone number.
- 7. Select "Launch Blood" and press [ENTER]. The game will begin once the
- connection has been made.
- 1. Choose "Serial Game" and press [ENTER].
- 2. Select "Setup COM Port" and indicate the COM Port you are using. Leave the
- other options at their defaults unless you experience difficulties.
- 3. Enter a Player Name if you like.
- 4. Select "Launch Blood" and press [ENTER]. The game will begin once the
- connection has been made.
- Game Type: Once the game has loaded, you must first select the game type from
- the Game menu. BloodBath pits players against one another. In cooperative
- play, players work together to fight monsters and progress through the game
- in a linear fashion.
- Episode and Level: Next indicate the level you wish to start with by selecting
- the appropriate Episode and Level names.
- Monsters: If you want monsters in your network game, select "Bring 'Em On."
- You may also select "Respawn" for monsters that regenerate after they are
- killed.
- Weapons: Permanent weapons do not disappear when picked up, so that any player
- can find a weapon regardless of other players' actions within the level. Note
- that you can only pick up a weapon once -- running over it repeatedly does not
- add ammunition to your inventory. Respawning weapons disappear for a brief
- time when picked up. Running over a weapon already in your arsenal will add
- ammunition to your inventory. Select "Respawn with Markers" if you would like
- a graphic to appear indicating approximately how close an item is to
- respawning (red means a long wait, yellow a medium wait, and green a short
- wait). Select "Do Not Respawn" if you want to have a pitchfork showdown.
- Items: Select whether you want ammunition and powerups to reappear once picked
- up. As with Weapons, you may set items to respawn with or without markers.
- Respawn: (COMPLETE VERSION ONLY) This option affects where players
- respawn after dying in a BloodBath. With "Random" respawning, you will appear
- arbitrarily at any one of the respawn points. "Close to Weapons" will spawn
- you nearest to an available weapon. "Away from Players" will respawn you
- furthest from other players in the level, giving you a chance to gather some
- weapons and items before jumping back into battle.
- User Map: (COMPLETE VERSION ONLY) Allows you to specify a user map to
- play.
- When you are ready to play, select "Start Game" and press [ENTER].
- To communicate with other players during a multiplayer game, press "T" and
- type your message. Press [ENTER] to send it or [Esc] to abort.
- You may send predefined macros by pressing "T" and then selecting F1--F10.
- Feel free to edit your macros from SETUP. The more creative and vindictive,
- the better.
- Some Blood levels feature teleporters that appear in BloodBath only. Learn to
- use these teleporters to get around levels quickly. Teleporter destinations
- generally appear as animated markers on the floor. Stay away from these in a
- crowded game--someone might teleport right into you.
- Sometimes you'll knock BloodBath opponents to their knees instead of killing
- them outright. The victim spends several moments swaying, poised between life
- and death. If no one reacts, the victim will slump over and die, earning you a
- point. Of course, because your victim is helpless, you'll have a moment or two
- to gloat. You may end the torture swiftly by blowing the victim's head off.
- You may also draw it out by tossing a lit bundle of dynamite on the ground
- nearby. Be careful, though. Victims may bring themselves back from the brink
- of death by repeatedly hitting the space bar.
- You'll recognize the brink of death by the sudden drunken skewing of your
- view. When this happens, hammer on that spacebar and pray.
- Assistance Via World Wide Web
- Get up-to-the-minute technical information at the GT Interactive
- Software website, at http://www.gtinteractive.com, 24 hours a day,
- seven days a week. In the Support section you'll have access to our
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), which contains our latest
- troubleshooting information. You can also visit our Forums area,
- where you can swap email with other gamers, our FTP (File Transfer
- Protocol) area where you can download patches and new enhancements as
- soon as they become available, our Hints/Cheat Codes area, an E-Mail
- area where you can leave us your tech support problems and questions,
- and other areas where you can get valuable information on GT
- Interactive Software products.
- Game Designer:
- Nick Newhard
- Project Manager:
- Matt Saettler
- Build Engine, Editor, and Tools:
- by Ken Silverman
- Additional Tools:
- Nick Newhard
- Peter Freese
- Lead Programmer:
- Nick Newhard
- Game Programming:
- Daniel Leeks
- Peter Freese
- Network Layer/Setup Program:
- Mark Dochterman
- Nick Newhard
- Level Design:
- James Wilson III
- Craig Hubbard
- Additional Level Design:
- Kevin Kilstrom
- Nick Newhard
- Terry Hamel
- Lead Artist:
- Kevin Kilstrom
- Additional Artwork:
- Terry Hamel
- Eric Klokstad
- Rick Welsh
- Brian Waite
- David Brickley
- Character Modeling:
- Kevin Kilstrom
- Sound Engine:
- Peter Freese
- Jim Dose
- Sound Development:
- Cassano Thruston
- James Ackley
- Jason Hall
- Guy Whitmore
- Daniel Bernstein
- Cultist language and "Pestis Cruento" composed by:
- Daniel Bernstein
- Performed by:
- Steve Bryant
- Doug Fullington
- Vernon Nicodemous
- David Stutz
- Music Composed by:
- Daniel Bernstein
- Guy Whitmore
- Additional Music by:
- Mike Cody
- Additional Vocals by:
- Celeste
- Voice Talent:
- Stephan Weyte as Caleb
- Jason Hall as The Voice (TM)
- Additional Sound Development
- Loudmouth
- Cutscenes:
- Craig Hubbard, writer
- Kevin Kilstrom, art director
- James Wilson III, writer
- Lead 3D Artist/Animator
- Aaron Carlson
- 3D Animation:
- Derek Bentley
- Peter Arisman
- Benjamin Pierre
- Scott Thurman
- Brian Waite
- Phillip Ulberg
- 3D Coordinator:
- Paul Renault
- Blood Internet Site (www.blood.com):
- Spencer Maiers
- Paul Butterfield
- Adam Ketola
- Kevin Kilstrom
- Craig Hubbard
- Quality Assurance:
- Lynne Dayton
- Leonard Salas
- Jim McAvinew
- John Hurst
- Mike Cody
- Rodd Karp
- Wyeth Johnston
- GTIS Producer and Lead Atmosphere Monger:
- Rick Raymo
- Special Thanks:
- Helen Newhard
- Francine Kilstrom
- Lauren Johnson
- Tamara Leeks
- Lisa Sheets
- Evan Stein
- Jason Pratt (aka Pailhead)
- William Mull (aka Phoebus)
- Cho Yan Wong (aka Tempest)
- Kyosho
- Geoff Stratton
- Matt Hayhurst
- George Broussard
- Scott Miller
- Joe Siegler
- Richard Gray
- Andrew Blevins
- BLOOD Shareware Level Design Credits
- Cradle to Grave James Wilson
- Wrong Side of the Tracks Craig Hubbard
- Phantom Express James Wilson
- Dark Carnival Kevin Kilstrom, James Wilson
- Hallowed Grounds Nick Newhard, Craig Hubbard, Terry Hamel
- The Great Temple Terry Hamel, James Wilson
- Altar of Stone James Wilson
- House of Horror James Wilson
- You may freely distribute Blood shareware provided that you include all the
- original files.
- You may not distribute the Retail version of the shareware.